Category Archives: Service

Warehosing & Domestic Distribution

Warehousing and distribution If the logistics of doing business has become a headache and expensive for your business, outsourcing warehousing, also known as warehouse management, or warehouse contracting, will achieve a Better supply chain solutions for you. If you have exceeded your current warehouse, or your warehouse is currently a garage, workshop or workshop, an…

Cargo insurance

Transportation of goods is an important stage in the production and business process of enterprises. Damage to goods during transportation often occurs. In many cases, large losses can seriously affect the business of the enterprise. With the provision of comprehensive cargo insurance services, MARBLE  is always a solid financial support for businesses against risks during…

Transit shipment

Việt Nam nằm giáp ranh với các quốc gia như Lào, Campuchia không có cảng biển hay hệ thống cảng biển chưa phát triển để tiếp nhận những phương tiện vận chuyển chuyên dùng lớn. Do vậy, dịch vụ quá cảnh hàng hay hàng qua biên giới thường xuyên xải ra. Hàng hóa được vận…

Customs Brokerage

With many years of experience in the field of forwarding and warehousing, Global Marble Service Trading Company Limited can understand and effectively meet the different freight forwarding and transportation needs of the Customer. We not only transport super-sized and super-heavy goods for super-large projects but also small packages through airport security checkpoints. The strength of…
